Write for Us

pagepost Write for Us - Write for Us

Are you a motivated writer and an educated traveller?

Do you want to earn money writing about the things you see and experience?

Do you have a significant passion for teaching your readers about the natural resources and its associated cultural values?

If so, you can work for us as a writer. All you need is knowledge of the site you are writing about, a camera to take pictures of your experience, and a device to write about your adventure such as a laptop. It is that easy.

If you are interested in pursuing your passion in writing, you will be delighted to know that Strike Zone Charter is currently looking for travellers that have a unique and creative sense of sharing informative details about the places they travel to.

We want experts that do not necessarily have to be locally-oriented about a particular destination.

You just have to be well-informed and be able to conduct thorough research to be able to produce content that is valid, accurate and true.

If this is something you believe you can do, you apply by following the instructions indicated below.


You must write about a specific destination that you have travelled to before. Plagiarised work will not be accepted. Doing so will automatically remove your application from the list of potentially acceptable writers. Your review of the destination needs to be as unique as possible.

Most importantly, it must talk about why that destination matters to the local area. Strike Zone Charter is not only in the business of catering travels. We are also invested in educating our travellers about the importance and value of the destinations we oversee.


Submit everything so that your application will be prioritized. Indicate your email address, your name or pen name, your age, the destinations you are familiar with, your current location, and the actual article review.

Specific Requirements

Experience is a must. You need to be knowledgeable about what you write. This is not just a make-up writing job. Even if English is not your first language, as long as you are confident about your grammar and spelling, we will still consider you. Finally, photos make a huge impact when it comes to articles.

Be sure to include only the pictures you have taken personally.